Standards-Based Mathematics K

SKU: Sum SBM 0 K



Summer Solutions Standards-Based Mathematics K is for students who are entering 1st grade.


  • 30 lessons of mixed review
  • complete answer key
  • aligns with and supports Standards-Based instruction


  • count to 100 by ones and tens
  • count to answer “how many?”
  • correctly name shapes regardless of orientation or size
  • model shapes in the world by building or drawing shapes
  • directly compare two objects to see which has more or less of an attribute
  • count forward from any given number 1 – 99
  • compare two groups to determine greater than, less than, or equal to
  • represent addition and subtraction with objects, drawings, or equations
  • identify shapes as two- or three-dimensional
  • analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes by attributes
  • decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 in various ways
  • compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals
  • classify objects into given categories / sort categories by count
  • solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10
  • for any number 1 – 9, find the number that makes 10
  • compose simple shapes to form larger shapes
  • compose and decompose numbers from 11 – 19 into ten ones and further ones
  • fluently add and subtract within 5
  • and more...

$16.99 each (plus tax where applicable)